CDC Reminds Parents of the Importance of Vaccination Before Traveling Overseas

The CDC recently announced in April 2011 about seven cases of American babies, all old enough to receive the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, but did not, and contracted Measles while traveling overseas.

Although Measles is not considered a public health threat in the United States, many other countries still have a high number of cases each year.

A child that is unvaccinated for Measles is at risk for developing the illness while traveling abroad.

Any child over the age of six months old, especially if traveling out of the United States, may be eligible for the MMR vaccine.

To get a child vaccinated for MMR, seek out a physician that can verify if it is safe to vaccinate your infant, and can help best prepare your child for traveling abroad safely.


*To see more general information about immunizations recommended for travel, seek out the Travel and Vaccines page on this blog.
